This site serves as a place for me to blog, show my software development projects, talk about food, and anything else I find interesting.

I am a gamer, a software developer, a food lover, and an entrepreneur.

Recent posts

Users API for my twitch game

4 minute read

Users API for my twitch game I’ve been working on this game for a few weekends. Here is the flask API I will be using to create users, update their informat...

Risk of Rain 2 Mods

1 minute read

Now on Steam: Risk of Rain 2 is a multiplayer roguelike 3D sequel to Risk of Rain. Prereqs: Do...

The Basics of Cryptocurrency Arbitrage

3 minute read

Motivation for this post This post is purely for fun and for sharing some ideas I have had about this space. Many have given up on cryptocurrency since th...


less than 1 minute read

Enjoy this otter ascii art. Simple and elegant yet repeatable. This hand drawn ascii art does not inspire, but still gives you the image of an otter swimmin...